Can I get an Angler?


I currently have a 75 gallon tank with a 3 inch long porcupine puffer fish, and a 2-3 inch picasso trigger. I wanted to know if I could get an angler with these fish.
Also are they hard to feed?


I wouldnt do it. Just for the fact Ive been reading up on them alot latley and Ive been really intrested in getting one as well. There easly stressed out and when stressed they wont eat and they die so the stuff I read said you should only try and put them in tanks by them selfs or with others of the kind but thats just the info Ive collected im sure other people on here have better info on those fish then I do.


Active Member
id be scared for the porkey and the trigger. I dont even think that his spikes will protect him. Anglers should be kept in tanks by themselves or with fish much bigger than they are. In this case, their eyes are not bigger than their stomaches, they just have huge stomaches! They will eat a fish bigger than themselves. It will be possible though once the porkey gets larger. Some anglers like a wartskin only get about 4 inches. they are pretty expensive though.
as far as feeding goes. they are pretty much ambushers. so live food would be best....but unless you have any life saltwater feeder fish, youll be stuck feeding him damsels which will def add up. You could probably get him to eat stuff off of a feeding stick if you wave it in front of him.... dont know how much of the stick you will get back after every chomp though.
good luck


if you do get one you are gonna have to get a puffer and trigger (unless you already have them) that is more than twice the size of the angler. anglers can eat fish twice their size and will.