can I get rid of wet/dry?


I hate my noisy Amiracle wet/dry filter. It's basically the pre filter I hate. My question is: Can I use a hang on power filter instead. Will this support my bioload? I was thinking of upgrading my prefilter to the CPR model, but this is expensive and needs a power head.
I have a 55 gal fish and invert tank. I have medium fish (gobies,clown,damsels) and various crabs and shrimp. 2 iches of live sand. I know if I get a hang on power filter I will not be able to add a skimmer and UV. Any quiet suggestions


Staff member
Check out the CPR Aquatic Cyclone BakPak 2 Bio Filter. This is a combination filtration and skimmer [hang-on]. I don't have one of these, but my guess is that it is noisy too....all skimmers are noise [unless you can put them in a lead encasing :D ]


I have a skimmer on my 72 bow front that was a factory install and it makes no noise at all.


Staff member
Do you meant that the skimmer is built into the tank? I have a 72gal bow too, AGA. What manufacture is your bow?


sorry I got confused I was talking about the overflow that skims water off the top of the tank for the wet/dry filter. their is a tube that floats in the pipe used for the overflow and it acts to quiet the water flow..


Active Member
A wet dry is hard to beat for a fish only with invert tank, and is potentially great at turning over large volumes of water. Is the prefilter on your wet dry making that gurgling noise, and is this why you want to replace it with an external powerfilter?


Yes it is the prefilter making all the noise. I tried everything from sponges to tubing shuved down the flex hose. The prefilter is the one that comes with Amiracle's SL-150. I think it is rated for 600 gph. I'm running a mag 5 with 3ft head pressure. My next step is to by a larger pump or decrease prefilter hose. Or the CPR prefilter which claims to be quiet. The hang on power filters are so quiet, that's why I was investigating. Thay say they're good for 600 gph, which is more than I am running now. The gurgling noise is killing me.
Thanks for the reply