can i get some opinions on my anenomes?


Active Member
I bought a carpet anenome last monday. Its tentacles weren't "sticky" when I bought it, but I figured that was because the LFS had just gotten them in, and it was still stressed from the transit. Anyway, it has been almost a week and it still isn't sticky. It is responsive, its tentacles will close when something touches it, and it has secured its foot and even changed locations. However, I have still been unable to feed it solid food, as it's tentacles still won't sting. Any suggestions? Should I get worried? All water parameters are good, and everything else thriving. Oh, except a BTA. I bought it about a month ago, and it refuses to come out where it gets light. It has stayed under a rock this whole time. I'm assuming when it has to get light, it will move back to the top of a rock. It is eating fine, just not getting any light. Any help welcome, and stories of your experiences also appreciated. I'll add a pic of my carpet anenome (it's around 14 inches across).


Active Member
Nope, nothing sticks. I've tried squid, scallop, and shrimp. I haven't tried silversides yet, no LFS carry them. :rolleyes:


Active Member
watch him for now, dont try to move him it will only stress him out more,he will find a spot he likes,
just watch him for deterioration, a bad smell is not a good sign,