to start it is against the board rules to post stuff from other websites selling things pertaining to the marine hobby but i dont care just so you know
i would have to say that i disagree with that statement there may be people here who say it is ok but i think personally that anthias need lots of swimming room and i just dont think a 25 g. would suffice
stay away from anthia's unless you have a tank over 100 gallons and its matured for at least a year. for a 50 you'll want more than one fish and you can find two or three that would please you much more than one anthia.
I only want one good looking fish. I am only 12 and cant affored for my tank to crash because of overstocking. Have you seen Beths tank. It has three relitively small fish in it and it is a 75 gallon. The best tanks are always the ones with the least amount of fish IMO. Im not saying your tanks look like crap but i think it is just smarter to not compleatly just max out your bioload. It is a ton easier on your coral. Beth Sammy someone repeat what I said.
Not trying to flame or anything. Just trying to save you bucks, anthias dont do well in small tanks (some would say 100 is way too small), plus they need large schools of 5 to 7 for best results. i'd at least get two fish if I were you. Two tank raised ocellaris clowns would be nice. but your tank your choice.
Thanks for understanding that I want a light bioload. I am planning on having 500 watts of mh anyway for all the inverts I want. I never said broomer and beths tanks were bad I said I thought they were the best.
i'm a big invert fan. fish kid i personally think you're off to a great start i maintain 2 50 gal tanks plumbed together for a 100 gal system--one is invert only and the other is a reef with only 2 fish in it (2 bar gobies--it was 3 until a mantis spooked one and made it jump). anyhow, i love the low bioload--everything just seems happy and healthy, particularly the fish! but i would stay away from anthias in that size tank...i believe they really do like more room to roam.
hmmm....oh well.
We know there is nothing about fish tanks on there. The rules of this board state NO POSTING OF OTHER BUSINESS LINKS. So a mod came in, edited the link, and that is the result!