can i have a niger trigger fish with a tomato clown?


Active Member
i have a 3 inch niger trigger fish and i was wondering if i cant put a 1 inch tomato clown with the trigger fish?


Active Member
that really depends on how big ur tank is. niger trigger is known to be a reef safe fish, and not very aggressive. but since the trigger is established, its hard to say. its really 50/50.


Active Member
Hopefully there are plans to upgrade as the niger will outgrow that tank size in about 1 year.
They should be in nothing less than a 75 gallon.


Active Member
what kind of grouper? just for the 2 fish you have you will need a 125 + as the niger will get over 12", but in a larger system you will be fine, I have a 4" tomato in my 220 with 2 lions, a toad fish, a tusk, a green wolf eel, and a yellow tank, and the clown certainly holds his own
yeah the clowns are pretty tough i had one in my tank of terror with a undulated , clown niger , huma huma and lion he was fine .


Active Member
First off, I agree with Hammer and Mie and hope you plan to upgrade to a larger tank for the grouper and Niger....As far as the Clown and the Niger, I actually had several aggressive fish in my previous set-up, the only two fish that fought like cats and dogs were the Niger and the Maroon Clown, I had to put the Maroon in my smaller tank because his fins were getting so nipped up. You never know.


Active Member
just make sure you get a larger clown because the niger will grow faster than the clown, but my tomato will chase fish 3 time his size if they get close to his spot, the funny thing is none of the bigger fish stand up to him


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
just make sure you get a larger clown because the niger will grow faster than the clown, but my tomato will chase fish 3 time his size if they get close to his spot, the funny thing is none of the bigger fish stand up to him
Clowns can be so territorial, every time I did anything inside my tank, I would have 6 fish hiding (including 2 triggers, a lunare wrasse and a puffer) and 1 Maroon Clown biting my hand as often as he could telling me "Get the hell away from my rock!!!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Clowns can be so territorial, every time I did anything inside my tank, I would have 6 fish hiding (including 2 triggers, a lunare wrasse and a puffer) and 1 Maroon Clown biting my hand as often as he could telling me "Get the hell away from my rock!!!"
Maroons are great fish. When in their territory, I think they're as aggressive as any fish I've ever least inch for inch. BTW, well fed groupers grow REALLY fast and, like lions, will often eat anything it can swallow.


Active Member
A niger and a clownfish should do fine together for now . But long term your not gonna be ok with that size tank, you'll need to upgrade .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
A niger and a clownfish should do fine together for now . But long term your not gonna be ok with that size tank, you'll need to upgrade .
Isn't this a great hobby; when, "just for the good of the fish", we have to buy new, bigger, and better toys! Tonight, "just for the good of the fish"; we'll be having blackened redfish, delicious!