Can i have ANY anemones with this lighting?


I have a 50/50 6000k, 40 watt light on a 75 gal. Im a total newbie. My pet stoe said I could have a few anemones.
any thoughts?????


Originally Posted by bluephi115
I have a 50/50 6000k, 40 watt light on a 75 gal. Im a total newbie. My pet stoe said I could have a few anemones.
any thoughts?????
Nope I think you need a lot more light some were about 4-5 watts per gal so at least 300watts I have 440 on mine and dont think its enough.


Active Member
not even close for anemones.
Do some more reading before getting one. The fish store was either lying or has no idea what they are talking about. They know that anemones can live up to a year in an inadequately lighted tank (will starve to death due to lack of light....horrible way to go) so they can offer a guarantee that it will live for a week or month with no worries.


I completly agree with the other responses, and that bulb isn't even in the right spectrum or just bearly


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluephi115
I have a 50/50 6000k, 40 watt light on a 75 gal. Im a total newbie. My pet stoe said I could have a few anemones.
any thoughts?????
Not even a possibility...This is so outlandish you should offically Not listen to a thing they say...Otherwise you'll be buying anenomes every few months and they'll just say "it's your water" that's killing them...And all they will see is $$$$$$


so what would you recomend. I know nothing about what lighting I need or brand.
Im not lookking at getting real extravagent coral and things. I just want some cool basic anemones, and maybe feather dusters and polyps or something. stuff that will add some great color without spending tons of cash.


Active Member
try some mushroom corals, xenia and some zoos and polyps....these are relatively easy to care for and dont need intense lighting...
anemonies need incredibly intense (translate; expensive) lights, I'd stay away from them. They can also crash your tank if they die.
There are plenty of beautiful corals out there that dont require that much light.
I dont know if the lights you've got now will cut it - I know you need a certain amount of watts per gallon for most things - and 40 watts for a 75 might not even cut it for simple corals....but there are people around that know FAR more than I do.
Good luck - try picking a specific coral and searching for the name on the boards - you'll find out good lighting for your coral that way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluephi115
so what would you recomend. I know nothing about what lighting I need or brand.
Im not lookking at getting real extravagent coral and things. I just want some cool basic anemones, and maybe feather dusters and polyps or something. stuff that will add some great color without spending tons of cash.

The "cheap" lights that you would need would be around $200-$300
Power Compact Flouresant...Like a 4x65W or a 4x96W preferably..
Google Coralife, Orbit lights...
You'd need more expensive Metal Halide lights for high light corals.


Give you a for instance. I have a set of lights that was over a 75 gallon tank, they are now over my 90 gallon. 440 watts of VHO and 500 watts of MH lighting. This makes them a VHO/MH combo. Pretty expensive for 940 watts, but there is nothing I couldn't keep with that lighting.
Check out VHO=Very High Output lights. My personal opinion they look better than PC lighting.
Aslo keep in mind that your tank is 48 inches long. Some flouresent lights are also 48 inches long, by the time you put endcaps on them they are longer and won't fit most standard hoods. They do make a 46.5 inch VHO bulbs that fit nicely though, they are the ones I use.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SW-Newbe
I have a 55 gal with 2-10K 65 watts and 2-Actinic 65 watts. Would this be enough for an anemone?
It is on the borderline low end. Some would say no, others yes. I say depends on the anemone. You could perhaps get away with a BTA with that lighting if you sit it high in the water column. Also, if you switch out the actinics to 50/50 bulbs it would help out.
Just if you do get one, watch it carefully for bleaching. If the color starts to fade, you need more lighting. Also, if it is constantly wandering the tank, you probably don't have enough as it is looking for a high light place IMO (may not be true, but it is from my experience). When you put it in, have sponge filters on all your intakes or else risk having it sucked into an intake and killing everything in your tank!


actually.... a rock flower anemone would work.... according to what i was reading last night at least.