Originally Posted by SW-Newbe
I have a 55 gal with 2-10K 65 watts and 2-Actinic 65 watts. Would this be enough for an anemone?
It is on the borderline low end. Some would say no, others yes. I say depends on the anemone. You could perhaps get away with a BTA with that lighting if you sit it high in the water column. Also, if you switch out the actinics to 50/50 bulbs it would help out.
Just if you do get one, watch it carefully for bleaching. If the color starts to fade, you need more lighting. Also, if it is constantly wandering the tank, you probably don't have enough as it is looking for a high light place IMO (may not be true, but it is from my experience). When you put it in, have sponge filters on all your intakes or else risk having it sucked into an intake and killing everything in your tank!