Can i have crabs/shrimp etc with my fish?


Active Member
I'm setting up a 125 tank, will have 90 pounds of sand and around 100 pounds of live rock, anyways i currently have all the stuff in my 55 with my fish. Once i move the stuff into my 125 im wondering if i can get shrimp,crabs,lobsters...etc with the fish i currently have.
my fish are :
niger trigger
yellow tang
cream angel
koran angel
v - lion
spotted hawk fish
Any suggestions ...please leave them im taking EVERYTHING into consideration for this main tank.
the 125 will have reef lights (they're worth $1000) so im assuming there rock solid lights
can i have any corals?...etc


Active Member
you could get away with crabs and snails i wouldnt attempt to spend to much on can have some of them for a while but chances of your trigger eating them are very high.I dont have any angels as of yet to know anything about compatebilty for them but the trigger is going to be your biggest issue as far as inverts and corals.your lion is ok for most larger fish and tangs are also reef say if you want to go reef get rid of the trigger


Active Member
the large angels, like a koran, i believe are also not reef safe. your lion may eat shrimps, and your trigger will probably eat most of your cleanup crew. But there is hope. If you were going to spend money on shrimps and stuff, id at least try one realy cheap kind before adding like 10.


I have a niger trigger - dog face puffer -
The puffer goes after any crab it can see - except for the hermit crabs.
The Niger loved eating all of my snails - picked them right off of the live rock. He will pick up the hermits, shell and all - but I have not seen him get any - they grab rocks when they get picked up.
Both love to eat shrimnp.
Some hermits may be your best bet - I have had some luck keeping them in the tank with the trigger.