
in order to keep the manderin you need a DSB and plenty of LR. they will eat the copepods/amphipods that live in these things. if you do not have a good population of pods, the manderin will most likely die.


Bentrue can you exlain what those "pods" you are talking about are? What is a cheap way for me to get a deep sand bed? and where do I find those recharge packs people are talking about with those little creatures in them


Bentrue can you exlain what those "pods" you are talking about are? What is a cheap way for me to get a deep sand bed? and where do I find those recharge packs people are talking about with those little creatures in them
Don't all gobies shift the sand like the dragon goby
[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: kyarnkid ]


copepods and amphipods are small white bug like things that live in your tank. they are a good food source for fish, and about the only food source for mandarin gobies. for you to have a large amount of pods you must have a large amount of live rock. most people say that if you dont have at least 80lbs of LR then dont get a mandarin, but i dont know because i only have about 20 lbs of LR and i listen to them. i want one too, but im gonna stay away from one until i know i can make sure it is being fed well enough. also some mandarins will eat some frozen or live brine shrimp, but if you have any other fish in your tank your mandarin will not get his share, because mandarins are not very aggressive eaters. again im not talking from experience and im sure that some people have kept mandarins w/o a lot of LR, but im just telling what EVERYTHING ive read tells me.


Active Member
ditto, ditto, and ditto again
WE have a 75 w/dsb and 110lbs of lr, and are affraid to add one until after we are 100% sure the system is ready for and can support them, and then we will still only have one
We anticipate teh tank should run for the better part of a year, first, because over 99% of mandarins don't make it long they normally starve to death because they just wonnn't take to feeding
I realize you probably hear that someone else did, manage to get them to take food, but if they know anything about the mandarins, they will also admit it is a very, very rare occasion tha t one can be turned to fish foods


ditto again. my lfs has a HUGE mandarin in one of its' tanks, but like JWT, it is the only fish in the tank. i want one badly, but a BIG part of this hobby is patience, which is often times, if you are like me, not easy to come by. :D
good luck with the tank, and ask lots of questions


Active Member
Whe i started this hobby four years ago, i unknowingly purchased one form my lfs, and threw him in my tank after it had been set up for a couple months. The poor little guy starved to death. After waiting about a year or two, i tried another one, and he has been doing well ever since. For some reason, my lfs likes to stock these guys, and 3everyone they get in seems to be malnourished. If you are going to purchase one, make sure that they're body cavity is full and cylindricial without any depressions anywhere, and youll have a better chance of enjoying this cool little fish. By the way, with a DSB you can keep a number of other cool gobies, such as a pair of twinspots. THese guys are really cool cause they may dig a couple holes under rocks, but constatnly sift the sand, searching for food. They are great little fish with wonderful personalitites, but just remember to purchase a pair, as singles often have shorter lifespans
JMHO, Good luck, Jon

fish fry

Back to the subject of gobies in general. My understanding is that all gobies will sift through the sand and eat pods/critters. Over time this will deplete their population and limit the effectivness of the DSB.
As far as where to get critters, send me an email and I'll send you a link.


I got a mandarin before I found this board, and my tank is very new, less than 2 months. Anyway, I guess I lucked out with this little fella, he eats brine shrimp like candy. I did notice that he depleted the pod population in my tank real quick though. The little guy still looks skinny, but now that I know what to feed him I have some hope. Thanks for all the great advice here! :)