can i have sps?

i have a standard 55g tank (20 inches deep) with 2x150 mh lights. thats enough for sps and possibly a crocea if theyre in the top half.


Active Member
i think you should do fine. might have some of the corals up higher, but you could start off with monti caps if you want
you need to also have the flow and the parameters for SPS


Active Member
2x150w should be plenty, but its best to use 10k bulbs with actinic supplementing. If you used 14k bulbs (and esp. 20K), the sacrifice in PAR may be too much.
I have 2x150w MH on a 65. Sure my SPS are in the top half, but Ive not seen many people that put them in the bottom half anyway. Thats for LPS and softies (zoos, etc.)
I even have 2 clams in the sand bed that are doing well.


I have a 55 and run 4 4ft VHO's on it. My SPS, LPS and the clam that I have have all been doing fine over the past few years. I think that water quality and making sure that your peramiters will help make things happy.

heart & sole

i have the same lighting 2x150 14k on the same size tank. you can keep pretty much anything you want with that lighting just make sure you have enough flow for some sps corals. Good luck


You could keep that stuff but upgrading to a 250 would allow you to upgrade to a larger tank later on without having to get a new light