Can I have too much lighting


I have a 46 G bow front. My lighting on order is an IceCap 660 with 4 bulbs(75W each). Two bulbs are 50/50 and the other two are actinic. Planning to set up small reef with live rock and live sand. Is 300W too much for this system?


I agree with sammy (gee doesn't that make you feel better sammy? LOL). The only thing I'd like to add is ... I think the only danger of that high intensity of lighting is acclimation. Remember, most of our specimens grew up under very intense light but from the time they were collected until they reach our tanks they are usually kept in low light or, in the case of shipping time, no light. Most LFS do not have what any of us would consider sufficient lighting in their tank. So I'd just use some caution when introducing new corals etc to a tank this bright.
Just my .02 of course.


Active Member
Also shorten the time span, and beware of algae growth at first from the intense lighting. I agrea with melbourne and sammy sounds like your on your way to a good tank. I've yet to hear of a creature die from to much light. They will find there way into a shadow in your tank if they have to.