Can I just put it in a bucket with saltwater?


I would like to get more live rock. If I do, what should I do to it so its safe to put in my tank? Can I just put it in a 5 gallon bucket with saltwater, powerhead? What should I do?


Active Member
yea make sure the temp and salinty is the same as your tank and do a light brushing with a tooth bruch to sweep away any die off


are you buying it local or getting it shipped? If you can find somewhere local, that is what I would do. Might be more expensive, but you can save on shipping, and not have to recure it.
Just make sure when you buy it, it is fully cured. Smell it, and make sure it doesnt stink. If you are super worried about it and dont trust the people, ask them to test the water.....then wrap it in wet newspaper, or put it in a buck if it makes you feel better, and drive home.
Rinse it off in a bucket of saltwater, and drop it in. Then test for the next couple days.