Can i keep 5 small fish in a 20 gallon?

Hey I have a 20 gallon tank with 2 firefish and a six line wrasse (also 4 scarlet hermits and 5 med to large snails) I wanted to get two more smaller fish a pair if clowns is this ok or over crowded I also have a torch coral which I wanted them to host and a Kenya tree.


Well-Known Member
I'd say go for it if it were just the firefish gobies. The sixline wrasse needs a bigger aquarium with more swimming room over time. I just wanted you to be aware of that.
I have eight fish in my 20g system... three blue green chromis, one bicolor blenny, two tomato clowns in the display and two percula clowns in the sump.
Keep up with regular water changes and stay on top of your filtration - shouldn't be a major issue.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on that sixline. He may be fine now, but they get more aggressive as they get bigger, and he will need a larger tank eventually. Sixlines are small fish, but they can be pretty feisty. You can probably do it, but you will need to be diligent about your water changes and keep an eye on that sixline.
Ok I will but he's been a great lil fishie lol he hasn't showed any agression towards my firefish and id say he's a good 2.5 inches deff not as long as my fires