Can I keep a clam?

Can I keep a clam under a Nova Extreme fixture? Its 4x54watts.
I have a 72gal tank which isnt that tall.
The Derasa clam looks amazing on this site, could I specifically keep that clam?


Active Member
How many K is your lights? I personaly wouldn't keep any clam under anything but metal halides, and with that type lighting don't keep your hopes up of it opening up and colors exploding like you see in some pics. For a 72g I'd get two sets of 14K 150 or 250w Metal Halides.


You will do fine keeping a derasa under that light fixture. I have the exact same fixture over a derasas clam and he is perfectly happy, and has been for 8 months.
Originally Posted by Smellslikefish
Can I keep a clam under a Nova Extreme fixture? Its 4x54watts.
I have a 72gal tank which isnt that tall.
The Derasa clam looks amazing on this site, could I specifically keep that clam?


Active Member
yes ur t5 will be fine. i dont know why people r so against t5. i hv kept most of my sps under the nova 4x54w for months b4 upgrading to 6x54w. make sure to keep ur clacium at 400-450. this is the derasa clam i got from back in early december. he measured about 2.5-3 inches when i got it. now it is about 3.5.

I have 2 10,000k and 2 360K?(actinics). Im not sure what you're asking when you ask do I have coral lights or normal lights.