can i keep a clownfish and trigger together



i have a clownfish already and no coral no anemonie and m planning on buying a trugger but would the trigger attack my clown in anyway?

small triggers

Active Member
common clown??? I am assuming from your pic. After a while depending on the size you get the trigger, yeah, he'll eat the clown. The only thing with triggers are that you think they are just great tankmates, until you come home and they have eaten half of their 'best friend'. (mine happenend to be a pyjama cardinal and my picasso trigger)


well the trigger that im planning on is only an inch in legnth


What kind of trigger? I read a post on -- a few days ago about a 1 inch undulated killing a 4 and a half inch panda puffer so I couldn't see a percula clown fairing very well.


the one im planning on is a niger trigger and right now the store owner is keeping it already with other fish like damsels and hes said that nothing has gone wrong but idk if hes just trying to make a sale


niger triggers are very aggressive when they get bigger. stay away from them. look into a bluethroat/jaw trigger. there the least aggressive and most "reef safe" they get


Originally Posted by johnd185
the one im planning on is a niger trigger and right now the store owner is keeping it already with other fish like damsels and hes said that nothing has gone wrong but idk if hes just trying to make a sale
I have had a niger trigger in the past and he was very passive. Never messed with my clown or damsels. I also had a rectangle trigger in the same tank and no problems between them or my other fish which many were smaller.
Just keep them well fed and lots of rockwork for them to stay busy.
Keeping your fish Healthy? What about your body?


Raccoon;2823593 said:
I have had a niger trigger in the past and he was very passive. Never messed with my clown or damsels. I also had a rectangle trigger in the same tank and no problems between them or my other fish which many were smaller.
Just keep them well fed and lots of rockwork for them to stay busy.
i belive you, but for the most part from what ive heard from several people on here is when niger's get bigger they can become very aggressive to fish and people. (when arms in tank cleaning etc)

small triggers

Active Member
i have 4 triggers in my 150 and they are very sweet,, after they are fed (and only IMMEDIANTLY after i should say) they let me pet them and rub them, and they are all less than 4 inches. they were great for the last 2 years i had 2 pyjama cardinals in with them. my one was a little bigger than my picasso. well i came home one day to half of my cardinal eaten from the tail to the gills :(