Can I keep a shark in a 100?


I have a 100gal tank and was wondering if is big enough to keep a cat shark or similar type shark? It would probably only be in the 100 for a year. I am moving next May and will be building a 300 gallon tank in the wall of the house I am buying.


Yep, most baby cat sharks would be fine in a 100 for awhile. Most will also be fine in a 300 for life. Thanks for not getting a nurse or blacktip reef to go in the 100. ;)


a 100 hundred should be fine for a few months, just remember that despite their small size, you should have limited decor, like maybe a small island of LR in the middle, so the shark can lap around the tank freely, or hide behind the island in the day, and they put out a good bit of waste. I have to say though, sharks are THE ULTIMATE! Good luck and post some pics of your setup and shark as soon as you get it up and running. Only see a few bamboos around this neck of the woods, and thats rare.


I am will upgrade when necessary. I just do not have enough room right now for a bigger tank. I am thinking about a bamboo shark or a cat shark. Which one would be better suited for my 100 gallon? I have a wet/dry as well as a kent nautilus skimmer. Is there anything special I need in order to keep a shark?


Coral catsharks or marbled catsharks would be best suited to a 100g because of there smaller size. Bamboo sharks would also be fine until you can upgrade the tank. You'll be fine with either assuming you do eventually upgrade as needed.