Can I keep a small Volitian in a 175 with two 3 inch clowns-?



I was wondering if this is possible-? Or will the lion eat up the clowns-?
Anyhelp would be great, thanks !


the clowns would eventually become food for the lion unless you went with one of the dwarf speceis but even then if they fit in its mouth they can become food.


I agree. A lionfish's mouth opens bigger than some people think. Most can swallow a fish half the size of their own body.


Active Member
omatclowns would be lunch, I do keep a large tomato clown with my 2 volitans, and they dont bother him. I find lions more likely to go after long thin bodied fish, but never underestimate the size of a fish a lion can eat, with a full grown volitan anything 6" and under is a potential meal


Also remember that the lion will grow FAR faster than the clowns. In a year a clown might double in size, but a small volitans lion could easily quadruple in size within 12 months.
I'm willing to bet the lion would never eat the clowns even at max size. Just because a lion could eat the clown doesn't mean they will. Lionfish prefer more smaller meals than 1 giant one but theres always the possibility. I'm keeping a dwarf zebra with 2 small clowns right now. My lion could easily eat both in the same meal but doesn't even when hes hungry so Id bet you would be ok.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Thoroughbred
I'm willing to bet the lion would never eat the clowns even at max size. Just because a lion could eat the clown doesn't mean they will. Lionfish prefer more smaller meals than 1 giant one but theres always the possibility. I'm keeping a dwarf zebra with 2 small clowns right now. My lion could easily eat both in the same meal but doesn't even when hes hungry so Id bet you would be ok.
my lion eat 2 of my damsels in 1 day so i wouldent do it but thats just me


Ok guys, thanks. I guess later down the road I'll get a nano or something and throw some clowns in there, so I can get a lion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Ok guys, thanks. I guess later down the road I'll get a nano or something and throw some clowns in there, so I can get a lion.
Thats what I did GTD...I could never have the True Percs with my puffer or them would be lunch. So I bought a 20g nano and mad a full blown reef with them in there. They love it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GTDAROCK
Great to know campbell. How many can you keep in a 20-?
I have 2 in there now. Both are around 2.5 inch. They dont swim around at all. They just hover over the torch that they hosted.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thoroughbred
I'm willing to bet the lion would never eat the clowns even at max size. Just because a lion could eat the clown doesn't mean they will. Lionfish prefer more smaller meals than 1 giant one but theres always the possibility. I'm keeping a dwarf zebra with 2 small clowns right now. My lion could easily eat both in the same meal but doesn't even when hes hungry so Id bet you would be ok.
My volitan has, can, & will eat a 3" fish. I keep a very large GS maroon with him and he's fine.