can i keep another fish.


ok i have a 72g tank with one picasso he has been there for about 5 months and i was wondering if i could keep another fish in there that will get along with this one. if i can name a few that will get along if not it's ok i love this one but i just want him not to be alone.


my friend has tomato clown, yellow tang, domino damsel, g.s. goby, yellow tail damsel with picasso trigger. They're all about the same size though. She used to have racoon butterfly fish and naso tang too. So plenty of fishes I might say. Several question though, what's the size, how aggressive is it, and what have you been feeding it?


Active Member
id say and eel, larger wrasse, or lion
maybe even a MAROON clown(if the trigger is smaller now, the clown will get 6 inches and is faily aggressive, so should be a ble to hold it's own


If the Picasso ends up being more agressive than the next fish you end of getting, it might help to rearrange the landscape in your tank a little so the Picasso is not so territorial with the new fish.


i was tinking about a yellow tank since that's what the wife likes, does any one think it would be to mush for my 72g those two fishis, picasso is real small and i feed him frozzen stuff. i get a bag with different tipe of meaty food like shimp and squid etc.


Active Member
i think youd be pushign it with a tang in a 72, but thats just my opinion. They just grow too big too fast!