Can I keep any kind of Anemone?


I have a 14 gal bio-cube with stock lighting, and I wanted to ask before I bought anything because I dont want to kill it.My lfs says that I can ,the sales woman says that she has one in her bio-cube at home ,but I wanted to ask here first. Is there any such thing as a rock anemone ? Thanks to anyone who can help me.


Active Member
IMO I would not add an anemone to your tank. One, because the stock lighting is not enough for the anemone to thrive, and two in such a small tank water parameters are harder to control and since anemones can wonder it doesn't have far to go until it runs into something.
A rock anemone may work. They don't require as much light as others, but they don't host clownfish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
I have a 14 gal bio-cube with stock lighting, and I wanted to ask before I bought anything because I dont want to kill it.My lfs says that I can ,the sales woman says that she has one in her bio-cube at home ,but I wanted to ask here first. Is there any such thing as a rock anemone ? Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Stock lighting will most likely not be adequate.
honestly, however, that is only one of the issues. Anemones grow quite large (well, the "hosting" anemones anyway). They also need very stable environmental conditions. Space and stability do not often go hand-in-hand with Nano tanks.