Yeah it's not the fish, it's keeping water quality. Aggressive fish are known to be "dirtier" thus making it harder to keep corals and anemones. I kept a trigger and a fuzzy lion in my reef tanks for years with no problems at all.
I agree with the above posts... depends on stocking density and other factors such as lighting and water quality...
I had a sebae anemone in the 44pent with my fuzzy dwarf lions for around 6 months. It did very well. Was dark brown/green with blue tips and grew from 3" to 10" in diameter. I actually had to take it back to the LFS last weekend because it was growing too large for the aquarium, and I was worried that it would eventually damage/kill my lions.
Pic is a little blury...
I have a niger trigger, Lunar wrasse, and a figure 8 puffer. they have never gotten anywhere close to my tube anenome or BTA, the only fish is the dogface which ate ALL my zoos and such