Can i MIx 2 different Salt mixes


New Member
i am wondering would it be a problem if i mix tropic marine pro with reef crystals?? I have been reading about both and cannot seem to find which one of the salts is better except these 2 seem to rank the highest in peoples opinions of which one they like best. I am new to the hobby and need to pick a salt mix.
So can i just use them both (mix them) at the same time? would this be a problem?
any suggestions, comments??


Just pick a mix :) If you have to mix them I don't see why that would cause a problem, but you'll need to keep mixing them to avoid major chemistry changes in the tank when you do water changes. Better to just decide on a mix and start with that. If you then want to change to a different mix, use up the mix you have and then do a number of small water changes with the new mix


Active Member
I wouldn't mix them together but it would not be a problem if you did. They would balance each other out.
However I would use reef crystals for a bucket and then if you don't like it switch to the other for a bucket then decide from there.


Active Member
yes this is very common. depending on your tank needs, every reefer mixes differently. it's an easy way to keep levels steady, but does take some experimenting. i started at 50/50 io and reef crystals and went from there. even if you screw up the levels, it's not going to be a major impact on a fo or hardy reef tank. anyways, no singular salt will give a perfect chemical balance; that is why most people will eventually move to mixing and testing for a reef setup. fish only it probably doesn't matter.