Can I mix a blenny & a diamond back goby?


I was just at my lsf and wanted to buy a blenny. I have a diamond back goby and the kid
said that they cannot mix. He has given me not so good info before so I wanted to check here first.
my tank size is a 29 gall hex with 35 pnds lr and a substrate of ls
2 pecula clown
1 cleaner shrimp
many hermit crabs and tiny snail
1 emerald crab (i think, i never see him, I just assume he's there)
1 diamond back goby
Any interesting fish or inverts suggestions to add. I know I need to be picky on fish selection since only having a 29 I am limited in quantity , so I want them to be quality.
Thanks a bunch


I was thinking of getting a a midas or a bicolor blennie , I hear that they are very funny to watch. But I don't want him picking on my little gobie!


Active Member
Bicolors can turn into little booggers over time and pick on gobies. Dont know about the midas.


Active Member
Those two blenny choices can become a little protective of their territory overtime, but I don't think it would be anything too serious with your goby. Stay away from the forktail blennies and I think you will be fine. I know my lawn mower blenny and diamond goby get along perfectly fine in my 75. They don't even notice each other.


your tank might be a little too small to take the chance of them not getting along. in a large tank, they would be fine. i had a bicolor for a long time-he was my favorite fish-got him becuase he is Baltimore Orioles colors:), but was very territorial.


I've had a bicolor blenny in my small 35 gallon tank with s scissortail goby, a watchman goby and a clown goby with no problems. I guess it's all about the individual fishes personality.