Can I move this tank


Have 90gl on base and canopy, filled and running. 120lb. LR and 100 lb. live sand, only 5 fish and CUC in tank. I would like to move it about 10 feet across to other side of a room. To a more visible place as I sit in room. Can this be done without destroying it all. I have considered pulling down water to about 30% of tank and move all rock to bottom so they stay underwater, leaving fish in tank and keeping water in rubermaid that is removed to replace once move is made. I can get those plastic skid movers from walmart and put under cabinet bottom and slide it, if I can get under the cabinet is my big concern. Is this possible or would I risk cracking the tank. If this wont work, does anyone have any ideas. I dont want to start over by removing everything, move isnt worth that. Thansk ahead of time

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I would break it down.Most of the LR and all the water.It is a recipe for disaster.If not now later,you could easily rack the tank and break a silicone seal causing a leak or outright seem failure.
Just my ¢2 .


Active Member
Yeah you're already planning to come so close to breaking it down, why not spare the risk and just break it down?
If you do try to move it like you are planning, you better be sure and do it when a pet store is open that sells 90g tanks, just in case...


Active Member
I would put the lr in buckets, covered with tank water, but leave the ls. Drain all water except maybe an inch over the top of the sand. Move tank, replace lr and water, and fish. I see no reason that the tank would be damaged from this.