Have 90gl on base and canopy, filled and running. 120lb. LR and 100 lb. live sand, only 5 fish and CUC in tank. I would like to move it about 10 feet across to other side of a room. To a more visible place as I sit in room. Can this be done without destroying it all. I have considered pulling down water to about 30% of tank and move all rock to bottom so they stay underwater, leaving fish in tank and keeping water in rubermaid that is removed to replace once move is made. I can get those plastic skid movers from walmart and put under cabinet bottom and slide it, if I can get under the cabinet is my big concern. Is this possible or would I risk cracking the tank. If this wont work, does anyone have any ideas. I dont want to start over by removing everything, move isnt worth that. Thansk ahead of time