can i pair a white stripe maroon with a goldstripe maroon?


Hey guys..
i got myself a gold stripe maroon today and was wondering if i could pair it with my existing white stripe... Its currently living in another tank. Is it possible?
Thanks guys!


Originally Posted by Lamaface
Hey guys..
i got myself a gold stripe maroon today and was wondering if i could pair it with my existing white stripe... Its currently living in another tank. Is it possible?
Thanks guys!
I have read on other posts (on this site) that you can pair them. But I believe it's all up to the fisk.


Active Member
if the new fish is larger than the origanal fish you should not have any real issues adding it to tank.but if the new clown is smaller ,the older clown will most likely attack the new avoid this conflict remove the origanal clownfish from the main tank add the new fish then readd the old fish .i also suggest rearranging the rockwork just a bit. they will addapt together and they will both make territory or share territory .those few moments out of the tank do make a difference when it comes to adding another fish.I also had to do this when i introduced a female bird wrasse with a male bird wrasse because the male attacked the female I was unaware at the time the male had to be placed last.and as for the maroon clowns I have 2 moroons and 1 golden striped all in the same anenome all introduced at different times.


Now I have no experience with maroon clowns, but I have read when it comes to pairing them the smaller fish should be added second. This is due to the fact that they are territorial more than other clowns, and if the smaller clown is established in the tank he will defend his territory possibly to the death, as he most likely won't stand a chance against the larger fish. If the larger fish is established in the tank first, he will bully the new fish for a while but will give up soon as the smaller fish will be more likely to submit.
Just my two cents. I believe I read this in Joyce Wilkerson's book, Clownfish. Or maybe it was in a magazine.
BTW, does anyone read books any more?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Firedog
Now I have no experience with maroon clowns, but I have read when it comes to pairing them the smaller fish should be added second. This is due to the fact that they are territorial more than other clowns, and if the smaller clown is established in the tank he will defend his territory possibly to the death, as he most likely won't stand a chance against the larger fish. If the larger fish is established in the tank first, he will bully the new fish for a while but will give up soon as the smaller fish will be more likely to submit.
Just my two cents. I believe I read this in Joyce Wilkerson's book, Clownfish. Or maybe it was in a magazine.
BTW, does anyone read books any more?
just the oppesite with maroons if you add a smaller maroon with a larger maroon the larger will dominate over it and end up killing not my 2 cents worth but my experience.tha last maroon clown I added to my tank was 4 inches while the other 2 were less than 2 im down to 2 clowns now .large maroon and a golden striped maroon my lion decided the little maroon looked yummy :mad:


i was under the impression that the white stripes denote a fish less than one year old. Once they get past 1 year the stripes turn yellow or gold. At least that is the way it went with mine. How big is your tank? I know that some books have stated that only one maroon should be kept per tank. Also have heard that if your tank is big enough they can and will be fine. PS I do still read books!


Active Member
well whats odd about my gsm half the stripes are now whitish with a hint of yellow but my largs maroon stripes have turned to almost for the --- of them I have no clue but the gsm is turning more orangish in body coloring he is the smaller of the 2 left.they do tend to change coloring but not as i tank now is 300 gal i kept the smaller 2 in a 120 and the larger in a 100 until i upgraded.I was very skeptical about adding the larger clown due to its size over the other 2 .but none showed any signs of aggression toward the others..