can i put a powerhead in a 14 gallon biocube?

i recently got my 14 gallon biocube
lots of live rock
percula clownfish (nemo)
10 hermit crabs
1 emerald crab
green button polyps
i wanted to get more of a flow so everything would be circulated more, does anyone know of a powerhead i could put in my 14 gallon to make the reef healthier? also, if i did put in will it make much of a difference?

mpls man

Active Member
sure you can
i have a maxi jet 400, that has a good flow, depending how much you want, you can either get a 400 or 600. it does a little more heat to the tank, not bad though.
do you have any snails ?
sounds like you have everything else going good.
no not as of right now, i'm stuck in limbo trying to decide whether to get a whole bunch of little snails or just a big mexican turbo.....any suggestions???


I have two large turbo's, my hermits arent able to hurt them that way. It's actually funny my snails constantly crawl over my hermits.


Active Member
just get a couple of mexican turbo snails..i have 3 in my 24g and they do a great job..way better then my hermits and emarald crabs..


i replaced my stock powerhead with a maxijet (i forget the flow on it) and it drastically improved flow in the tank.....still thinking of adding a 400 to the main tank but i have no where to put it! we'll see..


Active Member
i have a maxijet 400 with the rotating-flo attachment in my 24 gallon nano cube. it works great and fits prefectly inside the nano.