can i put a scooter blenny in a 29 gal?


hey. id really like to get a scooter blenny but I dont want to kill one or have an unhealthy/unhappy one so my question is will a scooter blenny do ok in a 29 gal with a sump and about 20-25lbs of live rock. I know they need copopods, would I have enough with just my live rock, or should i supplement. Thanks guys.


Active Member
I second the nope. Many other great blennies and gobies that would thrive in your tank though. I have a bi-color blenny and a pink spotted shrimp goby/pistol shrimp pair in my 29 and they are so fun to watch.


Active Member
I would not chance it. Some will eat other foods besides pods, but some refuse anything but, its a gamble I took and lost awhile back. I now have a large tank with a fuge and have been sucessful this time.


My scooter blenny is doing very well in my 30 gallon with 45lbs of live rock. It was taught to eat brine at the LFS, now it eats mysis & flakes as well, so I got lucky! Scooter is my favorite fish too! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by doglvr
My scooter blenny is doing very well in my 30 gallon with 45lbs of live rock. It was taught to eat brine at the LFS, now it eats mysis & flakes as well, so I got lucky! Scooter is my favorite fish too! :happyfish
It was a gamble, and you were luckier then I was, I wouldn't risk it again in a small tank with no refuguim, been there done that, like i said, some will eat prepared foods, some won't. It took my scooter 6 months to starve to death, I had no idea, my lfs told me they eat algae, untrue!