Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The true question should be, is it wise to keep a pair of (regular size) seahorse in a 12 gallon?
This is very true. I have worked at various pet stores in which the customers over look the basic habit that their new pet needs.(Not that that is your intention Garychef1)
Seahorses are also social animals, just as horses run in herds. They do tons better with a friend. Seahorses are by far the coolest fish out there, unless they figure out how to miniaturize great white sharks
I only caution in using a nano cube for your fist seahorse tank. I thought I had done all the research and preparation that I needed to do when I purchased my 2 Kuda male seahorses for my 90 gallon tank. I was quickly proven wrong. I lost the second horse do to stress and malnutrition, and Valiant, my favorite was taken after a very long fight against a worm parasite.
Darth was extremely helpful, along with the rest of the support from the forum...
In the end after doing a whole more much of researching and help from Darth, and others...I realized my main mistake was water quality. More than any other fish, seahorses need perfection when it comes to water quality.
The parasites that claimed Valiant, appeared in the tank when the environment changed. My salinity was 1.026...the extra nutruients in the water....all a recipe for disaster...I had just finish 4 years of having a reef tank...so these levels did not bother me at all at the time....
Seahorse differ in many areas. Their number one difference is that they have no stomach. Their digestive tract is one long intestine. That is one big factor why the water in the horse tank gets dirty much faster. Secondly, because they have no stomach it is extremely important to make sure to keep track of their food intake, and what you enhance the food with.
I have to do water changes on my 15 gallon for the dwarf seahorse tank at least every 3 days. I also monitor the tank daily. You should check up on Monalia's kuda tank. I think she has a really good tank maintenance plan going on.
I would love to help you set up a horse tank, but if this your first seahorse tank, I'd recommend keeping your favorite shrimp in the nano.
Look forward to hearing more ideas for you horse tank