Can i put Favites Mooncoral in with my stock biocube lights?


I cant find any infomation on the website about this coral. Do anyone know anything about this coral?
here's a link of the coral im getting.
Can my stock Bio Cube 29g lights give enough light for this kind of coral?


Active Member
I wouldnt, I have mine under Hailides and while they are not really a maga high light coral. Mine all puff up better under the MH.


So those are the kind of corals i should stay away?
Im thinking if i should invest some $$$ to upgrade my stock lights (Bio Cube 29)
Any suggestions on replacing my stock lights without tearing my top apart?


Active Member
sorry, your going to have to tear into it if you want to upgrade. Look around, many have altered thier hoods and upgraded nicely. You might even find a pre-fab hood deal. There are people that buy them, upgrade them and then you ship them your stock hood with some cash and they send you the upgraded one keeping your stock one to sell to the next guy/gal.
I personally like all brain corals so its worth it to me to upgrade, but if your really not commited to them, then I would have to say with the stock lighting, I would advise to stay with more softies such as Xenia, zoos, mushrooms, sun corals ect. Things that arent pigs for light.


Thanks =)
I think i'll stick with those soft corals then. A few questions about them...
Fish i have in my tank right now and planning to get in the future :
2 - Clown Fish
1 - Shrimp Goby - Orange Spot
Planning to add soon :
1 - Flame Hawk
1 - Neon Goby
1 - Scooter
Will having a Torch Coral, Frogspawn, Hammer coral be a problem to those fish? Since most of the fish are bottom hoppers?


Active Member
Flames arent as bad as Arc eye hawks, but hawks in general are strange. Some are very agro, some are super friendly and get along well in a community. Just watch inverts with them. It sucks to have boundries for adding this or that but aside from the hawk your list looks good.
Might wait for a bit on the scooter like add it last maybe. Add the clowns together but your looking good.
No problems with those fish and the corals, but again I dont know if i would add the hawk, they also perch in corals. Some have great luck with them so who knows. Looks good.