can I put more than 1 starfish in a tank?


New Member
I have a sand sifting starfish. I was looking at the blue starfish. I do only have a 10 gallon tank however
I have 2 burrowing, 2 green serpent, 1 red serpent and 2 brittles.
All fine!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

kris walker

Active Member
I would agree about the size being small, but that is only my opinion based on my belief that starfish have feelings. :)
But regardless of that, I think they will survive fine if you do it. If you do it, be sure to feed them like you feed fish, because there probably won't be enough to scavenge on in a small 10 gal.
EDIT: I don't know about a blue starfish though. I hear they are one of the more difficult ones to keep. I would try some other one, like say a serpent or brittle star.
how much lr do u have and ls.ive u have a lot of sand and a good amount of lr it should be ok.what else do u have in the tank.


thats probably a blue linkia. it can be hard to keep. they should be fine but you will have to make sure they get fed, by putting food right next to them. i have 3(4?) stars in my tank they hide alot all you get to see is their armrs from under a rock sometimes