Can I put some live rock with one fish at one time???


:happyfish Hey was up ppl i was wondering im going to the pet store tommorow after i get out from school should i go head and and buy a small fish with the live rock or is that a bad idea to put both of them together if so why? please i need to know this by tommorow thank yall.


Active Member
I'd buy the LR first, then wait a week before getting a fish. Any dieoff on the LR can cause the ammonia to raise, and the fish will add to the bioload.


ok ima buy the LR first but could i have put it in like 3 days after I set up the tank with the sand and letting the filter run tell today and the heater running? and also my temp is at 78 is that ok??


Active Member
Buy the live rock, put it in, monitor ammonia levels etc, then when its ok, buy the fish and put it in. Not a good idea to put it in at the same time as LR nor is it a good idea to fast pace the stocking of critters.


If I were you, I would put my live rock in and then wait, and wait some more. I would wait until it hurts and after that I would make sure that my ammonia, nitrites are 0 and my nitrates are under 10 with 0 being ideal before I would start looking at fish. In fact I would add a small clean up crew in first and monitor the water a little while before I add any fish.
It will pay off to be patient, very patient. It is hard for me and most people but the ones that are seen to have much greater results.