Can I put somthing in tank?


My tank has been cycling for about 3 weeks now. My gravity is 1.024, salinity is 32, ph is 7.8 nitrites 1.0. Nitrates 20-40. My tank is 33g it will be a FOLR tank can I get some hermites or is it to soon?


Well-Known Member
Patients grasshopper...Your Ph is low, your nitrites need to be 0, your nitrates should go down too, but not a big deal for fish only, but not too good for inverts like crabs...So unfortunately - I would say yes, it is too soon.
Spend your time looking up info on the kind of fish you like, read up on saltwater chemistry...gab on the some cat pictures to drive Darth crazy...You know, just hang around and have fun waiting.


How long should I wait? I dont want to get to impatient,But it is hard just looking at water and live rock. Tank will be simple stock Clown fish, Chromises,Hermites, Snails.I WILL BE PATIENT.


wait until nitrite tests 0 and then trates will spike so do a water change when nitrate is up. wait a bit to make sure levels are stable then you can add your clean up crew. Got to wait as long as it takes becase its no fun to buy anything just to watch it die.