can i put tangs in a 90 gallon tank
id like to get a...
Blue Hippo Tang
a Yellow Tang
and maybe a Blonde Naso Tang
and other small 1-3 inch fish
would this be OK?
Matter of opinion here. A 90 is where it is maybe ok to place small young tangs in. I think a yellow would be fine, but the others would only be ok until they start to outgrow the tank. Most are of the opinion that the Tangs would be happier in a 5 foot long tank. And I can tell you they would be too. People do get away with it.
With all fish, Tangs in particular you should quarentine the fish to prevent parisites in your main tank.
Hey if I haven't already said it. Welcome to the board
It would be reasonable for small ones, but bear in mind the responsability if they get large, and show signs of stress, or behavior that shows they are uncomfortable, that you may have to turn them in for smaller ones some day.