Can I scrape it off?


All of a sudden (like overnight) I have a brown covering on the rocks, filter, PHs, heater and glass... I know I'm supposed to get brown somethings on the sand but I have nothing there yet.. just on the other stuff.
Can I scrape it off?

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Kynekke
All of a sudden (like overnight) I have a brown covering on the rocks, filter, PHs, heater and glass... I know I'm supposed to get brown somethings on the sand but I have nothing there yet.. just on the other stuff.
Can I scrape it off?

how old is the tank???
what is in it???
what is the water testing???


3 weeks
5 hermit crabs
4 snails
1 damsel
55 gallon
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
5 nitrate
0 phos
460 calc
79 temp
8.2 ph
12 Alk
1.025 SG


Sounds like diatoms to me. Pretty normal to happen at the end of the cycling period. Ideally you would not have wanted to have any livestock in there yet. Your snails and hermits should do a fine job of cleaning up any that will make it to the sand. The only part you would want to clean yourself would be on the viewing glass. You might give your snails a few days though and see how good of a job they do on it. Within about 2 - 3 weeks it should pretty much go away on it's own.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by trigger11
Sounds like diatoms to me. Pretty normal to happen at the end of the cycling period. Ideally you would not have wanted to have any livestock in there yet. Your snails and hermits should do a fine job of cleaning up any that will make it to the sand. The only part you would want to clean yourself would be on the viewing glass. You might give your snails a few days though and see how good of a job they do on it. Within about 2 - 3 weeks it should pretty much go away on it's own.

(yes) what thay said....