Can I support this?


Active Member
There is a VERY cool Open Trach Brain at my LFS for $54.
I have Compact Fluorescent 50/50 lights (stock), on a 12 gallon nano.
I have wanted a Brain, and will eventually end up buying one for my future 10 gallon (I bought T5's for the 10G) But I need rock and a stand for it.
Anyway.. Can I support an Open Trach Brain
in my 12 gallon?
I read that they don't necessarily need strong lighting.. true?
Thanks in advance for any help!


i have an open brain under stock lights in my 12g aquapod. Everything i have read says they don't necissarily need strong lights. At the store it was under a halide but opened fully in my tank when i bought it. I have a halide now to put on my tank but that is b/c of the impulse clam buy from my girlfriend.


i have a little more than double that amount of light. you may have to wait for others to weigh in but that seems like it may not be enough. If you get it you may have to move it twoards the top of the tank.