Can i switch salts?


Active Member
Right now iam using "instant ocean". Could i switch to a better salt? If i do will it harm my fish? Which salt is the best?


wow - mods a little slow on the uptake today huh?
Sorry, I've been away for a bit
The answer to your question is another question:
Are you unhappy with IO?
Assuming your plan is to switch to Oceanic like I did - the personall recommendation is to do it very slowly... Like 5% or less every 2 weeks.


Active Member
IO is fine but the levels are a bit low for a reef tank, I believe reef crystals is the same as IO just with better alk and calcium. Oceanic is also a good option for you.


I anyone's opinion, what are the best salts and why? I am wordering for my 125 fish and invert tank and my 5g fish and invert?
Everyone's opinion would be great as long as there is a reason.


Reef crystals are made by Instant ocean!
Instant ocean is by far the better salt!
yes the levels are lower the reefcrys. but for the money that you will spend on reefcrys. you could buy a years worth of additives and do it yourself..
ive read alot about reefcrystals. and from what ive read instant ocean is one of the best salts avaliable!


Active Member
I'm 99% sure that ReefCrystals is just IO with higher cal and alk levels thus they are equally good but -- is better if you have a reef and want higher levels. Oceanic is very good also but is somewhat new on the market.


Active Member
I've said this recently. I use IO. Check out what most if not all of the moderators for this forum use. There are more expensive salts that say a lot of things about how good they are. IO is tried and true. Don't bother switching in my opinion. There is no real benefit and if some believe that there is, I doubt that they can scientifically prove that it was strickly a result of switching salts. Once again, just my opinion.