Can I use a sand filter that was off for 1 month?


My husband unplugged and filter (I did not know) and we plugged it back in with terrible results. Sulpher smell and who knows what else contaminated my 29G tank. Went to bed but worried so I got up at 3:00am and smell is now gone from tank and filter. Lost some fish and have had to do major water change. Still trying to save last 3 fish. Anyhow I unplugged the filter but want to know if it is good to use now. If not what do I do? I have MANY corals (soft) and barely 3 fish, a few inverts, 35-40 lbs lr, 3inch sand bed. Thanks for info. :eek:


Active Member
I am guessing it's a HOT canister filter of some sort.
My best guess is that with no water circulation the bacteria and organisms died in the filter, then you turned it back on and shot off of the ammonia and "bad stuff" back into the tank.
Do a few water changes over a period of a week and aggresively run carbon for a week or two changing it every few days.
That should do the trick, I guess you didn't check your levels? If so what are they?