can i use an aquaC remora in-sump?


I am trying to buy a AquaC Remora Protein skimmer...i know its a HOT skimmer, but I want to know if I can use it in-sump? The private seller I am trying to purchase from insists that it can be used in the sump (with only the addition of a longer pipe from skimmer to powerhead). Is this right? Please help. :help:


and also, the aquaC site never mentioned anything about remoras being used in-sump...i am just confused...but if you have tried it and it works and it doesn't affect efficacy/functionality, then pls let me know


I was researching that skimmer this weekend and saw a few sites that said it can be used in a sump. I will be ordering mine next week.


thanks all..i will be ordering mines this week sometime to outfit my 20L sump/fuge... i have heard so much about bubbles being introduced into the main tank that i am thinking of putting together a bubble trap in my sump/fuge :jumping:


Active Member
You could use one in-sump, but as mentioned in the first post, it would require a longer pipe from the powerhead to the skimmer. Also, the water would potentially be falling a decent distance which could be noisy and create a lot of salt creep. Another thing to consider is the Remora has leveling screws on the bottom which don't allow for it to stand on it's own; you would need to support it vertically somehow.
The Urchin is AquaC's insump version of the Remora. It was designed to be installed easily, and eliminates the need to make modifications to use a Remora in sump.


Urchin brand are for sump only, and are better. The Remora brand are for tanks without a sump. The Remora can be used in the sump. If you have the room go with the Urchin.


thanks a lot...lets see if anyone is selling or auctioning off an urchin..if not, i will just go with the remora since these are more commonly sold for a decent price and try to mod it... Rob, thanks for the caution on noise and saltcreep..will keep in mind.


how about clipping on the remora HOT skimmer in the main chamber of the fuge (the chamber holding algae, substrate, etc.)?
any comments?:thinking:


I am looking for a Aqua C Remora Pro for my 120, if you know any places with good prices and that ship to Canada, I would be interested.


i am looking for a remora pro as well...try classified sections in your local news sites or papers, or ---- ... if u can buy a not too old used one (make sure its not abused), then go for it as you may save a bunch of money u can use on other things


***********.com seems to have the best price on Remora Pro, and shipping is free! I'm not sure if they ship to Canada or not. Some places charge up to $20 for shipping alone, plus they charge much more for the unit than ***********. One site is actually trying to sell them for 350 bucks with the Mag 3. That's $125 more than it's worth. I guess they have the right to charge whatever they want as long as idiots are willing to bite.
These things are extremely hard to find new on ---- at a decent price. I've been looking for the past two weeks, and the only one I've seen was a BIN for $226 with $15 shipping. I passed on that and went with m.d.



Originally posted by flipper263
I am looking for a Aqua C Remora Pro for my 120, if you know any places with good prices and that ship to Canada, I would be interested.

I'd be hesitant on useing that as the only skimmer for a 120 with 29 gallon sump. Tunze makes larger capacity hang-on skimmers. You might want to atleast take a look at that line up.