Can i use newly mixed salt???


Active Member
My perimenters are kinda high, added a new fish, and alittle uncured LR sat. Did a water change yesterday, but fish died today
and ammonia is at .025 trites are .5 and trates are about 40. I used all my mixed salt yesterday when i did the change, can i mix some now and use it right away or wait until tomorrow, don't want my other fish to die! :help: Do you think my water killed the gramma? :confused:


Active Member
Never put uncured LR in a cycled tank with fish in it.
I prefer to wait at least 24hrs to use newly mixed salt, but I have been known to use it after about 5hrs in an emergency, just be sure the salt is dissolved and don't do a huge water change, you need to take that piece of LR out and cure it in a seperate container, all you need is a powerhead.


Active Member
jose, do you deliver??? LOL! Thanks, but that won't work. The LOR is 2 very small pieces i got to put some frags on, not even 2lbs. I was tempted to buy alot more cause it was some nice stuff. But I guess it was enough to spike my ammonia. I am letting the salt mix sit afew hrs, and will do a 10 gal change (tank is a 75) thanks.