can i use this rock?


Active Member
i got a lot of this rock from a friend, i think its slate, could it safely be used my saltwater tank, supposedly he had it in his salt tank.


hey wats up todd
I had the 'slate' in my first saltwater tank. Not 110% sure but I think you can use it without no problems


Active Member
Thanx GoOtZ , i was thinking it would be ok, but wasnt sure, thought it would make great base rock!! But what about the other piece??????????? todd:notsure:


Are you sure you want to use it? I'm afraid it would look out of place and ruin the look of a natural salt water tank.
Just my opinion, but I've seen the pics you have posted of your tank and I think it looks great the way it is, Todd! Don't change a thing.


Blemmy - I've got 4-5 pieces of the "sandstone" (?) in your second pic. I had them in my 55 when it was freshwater with cichlids. I wasn't sure they would be ok to use, plus (as AlohaMI pointed out) I didn't think tjeu would look right.


Active Member

Originally posted by AlohaMI
Are you sure you want to use it? I'm afraid it would look out of place and ruin the look of a natural salt water tank.
Just my opinion, but I've seen the pics you have posted of your tank and I think it looks great the way it is, Todd! Don't change a thing.

this is for my new 70 gallon tank, nooo ive got my 125 just the way i like it, wont be adding anything to it. But i see your point about the slate, it would look out of place wouldnt it. hmmm, oh well i bought another 55 gal. tank today, im going to make it an aggresive fish only tank, once ive got my 70 up and going full stregnth! maybe ill use that rock then. thanx to you all . todd


Active Member
You probly could use bolth of them but I would agree on the not looking right.
And another tank!!!! Im telling you donate some money my way. Since you didnt get me a x-mas present you can get me some metal halides from an auction site lol.


Active Member
Ive already got 5 kids Snipe i cant afford another one!! Too bd you dont live closer though we could do some swapping and fragging and such. Todd


Active Member
both of those are freshwater. i've had them in my turtle/oscar tank for decades. safe if they're cured, but the one from the first pic might take years to cure. i dug mine out of a local river. i also agree that it'd ruin the look of the tank. plus consider that if you use them they're worthless to anyone else and you'll have to trash them when you tire of them.