Can i use white marbels on the fish tank?


Active Member
Yes, marbles are safe for marines tanks. However, I think you may find the natural-looking aragonite sand much more visually appealing. The goal of the tank is to focus on the beauty of the fish. It is counter-productive to draw the observer's attention away from this with decorations.
Also, marbles do not help in maintaining good water quality like aragonite sand. In fact, marbles will trap detritus and cause water quality to suffer.

salty cheese

Active Member
I've never heard of anyone using them, most likely it would be the same as using CC.
If you have any extra marbles please send them to me, I've seemed to have lost mine.:D


Personally, if they do the same as cc, I would, but, I am thinking they wouldn't be as hard to keep clean as the cc, so it might not be so bad. (I have cc, sucks.)I am of the opinion that you should decorate your tank as you like....not just to 'recreate the reef', many disagree, but it's your should be able to enjoy it and do as you like....just my opinion.
many would hate my tank as it is not all rock or all reef...but I am going in the direction of reef...until then....yep, got my fake plants and I love em............:yes:


OH OH OH, Salty cheese.........what's your address, they rolled over to my end of the state.....


Active Member
Like said its your tank and should make it the way you like it. Though they would harbor debri and would do so more easily than CC since it would be bigger holes. But with the bigger holes it would be easier to vacumme out. I prefer the sand like everyone els just looks better.


New Member
i never really clean good my LR and it's in the tank now for five weeks and i saw some white and black some brown on it. it is ok just to scrub it in there and change the water after that or do i need to take it out and clean? if in case i took it out am i going to start from the beginning of the cycle and am i going lose the bacteriain it?


Active Member
I wouldnt bother it. Just get some hermits that will clean the sand and some nassarius snails.