Can I......


Setup just a refuge with a overflow and a pump? like in my drawing?
If i could, which i am assuming i can
1.How would i make a judgement on what size overflow i needed and what size pump to pump the water back to the DT
2. how would i install a break siphon?


Active Member
You can do this although the only problem you are going to have is the sand blowing around from the flow rate of the overflow. I would at least put some sort of change in direction on the line coming into the refugium so that the water isn't having a waterfall effect. With a refugium only, I would say you want something that is going to put out about 100 gph after the head loss, but that all depends on the size of the tank you are using as a refuge. You want about 10x the amount of flow in the refugium so that would be about right for a 10 gallon tank.
The overflow size will not matter much because the more water that is getting pumped up into the display, the more water that will go down the overflow. Any box that is rated for more than 100 gph would work fine with that setup, although you cant really go to big so the bigger the better.
As far as I siphon break, if you buy an overflow box you shouldnt need a break of any kind, it should all be set up for you from the factory. If you make something, I would just drill a hole in the siphon tube about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch under the water level so that way if the pump shuts down you would only end up with a limited amount of water flowing down into the refuge.


Thats great info, thanks
My tank is a 55 gallon i wanted my fuge to be a 20. What pump would you suggest?
Oh and what is Head Loss? is there a formula to calculate it?