Can Live Rock come back from the dead?


I have a 37 gallon cube tank with 25 lbs of live rock that was absolutley gorgeous until my power was out for two weeks back in December. Everything in the tank I just said heck with it and it sat until last week. The only thing I left on was the heater. Anyway I topped the water off,cleaned the glass and turned the lights on. I still have 4 sand sifting snails and two hermit crabs that are alive?How? I tested the water and the pH was a little off but otherwise okay. The Live rock is completley white looking except for a few places that still have some purple coralline on them. My question is will all the color come back or do I need to buy more and start over??


This rock will be ok but your going to have to recure it. Your basically going to have to set your tank up from scratch, start a new cycle in your tank and recure this rock from the beginning. There's going to be die off on this rock.
Set up a tank with salt water and fitration
start a cycle with a cocktail shrimp or whaever you use to grow bacteria
place the rock in it
do a 25% water change weekly
In about 2-4 weeks the die off should be cycled out and the rock should be cured.
I'm no expert but this is the feedback I've seen others recieve in the past.


Active Member
Haha.... Not back from the dead more like new colonize or regrowth of new bacteria's and coralline. Of course it will color up again it just take sometime as long as you got some of them left on there it will regenerate itself.