Can My Cleaner thrive with my Huma?


I just baught a cleaner wrasse. He has been doing his job.. and my angel and yellow tang pay him visits every now and then. Not only that but this guy is accepting brine shrimp and meaty foods. My concern is i have a 4 1/2 huma trigger in a 20 gallon for 2 weeks now. Im scared he may chew this guy up.... what do you think?


Im confused... Am i lucky to get a cleaner wrasse to eat preparerd foods? do i want to jepordize this fishes life... just be greatful and get docile fish... or do you think the wrasse will only last a few months and i donate the fish and get me my triggers and lion


Active Member
It really depends. Some fish know of the cleaning abilities of the wrasse and do not bother it. I have a neon goby in my tank and both my lion and squirrel know of its magnificient power, so they never think to touch it in an aggressive way.


Well what size tank are these fish in? you said the huma is in a 20G, but is that just him or all the fish?


If the cleaner was in the tank first I'd say it would last quite a while, entered after an established Hummu>


Originally Posted by Titan
If the cleaner was in the tank first I'd say it would last quite a while, entered after an established Hummu>

ive never heard of a cleaner lasting more than a couple of months...ever wonder why they are so cheap????