Can Naso tangs hold their own?



So lately I'm noticing that a lot of the fish in my tank are picking on my fairly large (6") Naso tang. Granted, this is a tank made of of many bullies...
Bully #1 - Queen Angel
Bully #2 - Sargassum Trigger (that's right, this is one of the biggest bullies in the tank)
Bully #3 - Large Foxface (bully only with the Naso)
Then I also have a Niger and Small Clown Trigger. These two don't pick on the Naso though.
So what's everyone think? Will the Naso be able to hold his own long term with the other fish?
The tank is 150gal and yes I know I won't be able to keep the queen angel forever. But right now she's only 5-6" so is not too big for the tank


Active Member
Crypt my Naso was the BULLY of the tank in my tank. Heck it was the one that chased lets see here my Adult Blue Angel and my Blue Hippo Tang all over the freaking place.


That's interesting because mine has always been very passive. He keeps to himself and doesn't bother with the other fish at all.