some first and some after , always adding. In fact just orderd yellow scroll, giant cup mushroom, and orderd a nudibranch that is not suposed to be reef safe but , I think they are awsume, also have a trigger and a eel thats should not go in a reef with no problem. And For the pork puffer he is no longer with us as are giant carpet anenome grabbed him, but we still have are little saddle back or valentinie puffer hes about 3 inches long with no problems. All the fish we have in our reef with the exception of are clarkie clown will be moving to the big tank we are getting this weekend. and this will become a full reef with just one fish, and lots more corals[no more goniporia tho] these guys get a bad rap for being hard to care for but, not my reason for not buying anymore, they can sting other corals like our fox coral, they burnt both ends of it and we really like it , dont want anymore damadge if I can help it, cya