Can sharks get parasties


New Member
I was watching my bannded cat shark the other day when i realized that he had a some really tiny white spots on him. I used to thing they were just a little bit of sand but now i think that they are something else? does anyone have any ideas and if so what the cure might be.


You have to figure out what the shark has, before you attemp to treat it. I would start researching parasites and treatments. Also check tankmates for any spots as well. If bonyfish tankmates have the same spots it may be ick.


Aquarium Sharks & Rays by Scott W. Michael has a nice section on disfunctions and treatments.


It may or may not be ick. Like Tvan said, do your other fish have the same white spots? Sharks are very disease resistant, I've had ick outbreaks in my tanks before, and even when all of the bonny fish showed signs, my sharks never did. I'm not saying it cant happen, but its worth looking into before you medicate.
How fine is your sand? My bamboo sometimes stirs up my sand bad enough to get it all over him. Sometimes it will stay there for a few days. My sand is very fine though.


New Member
My sand is just regular araganite sand and none of my other fish are showing any of these spots. Thanx for all the advice from everyone.