Can some one PLEASE help me get rid of this stuff


This stuff has started covering my tank. I think it's cyano bacteria. Can some please tell me how to get rid of it! My nitrates are a little high, but I've been done 25% water changes to get them down. Bought a skimmer and have notice a lot of junk in the collection cup. :mad:


Active Member
Increase the water flow, check for phophates and continue to bring your nitrates down. HTH


New Member
I think it looks like red algae. I have used this stuff that comes in a little red and white box and is a yellow powder and has worked well for me. Also what is your clean up crew? I have quite a few blue hermits and they seem to keep my sand bed looking good. I am having a little problem with green algae on my glass. I seem to have to clean the glass twice a day. Any ideas on how to slow the rate of growth?


Red Slime algae is really bacteria (cyanobacteria). This is not caused by phosphates. The natural way of ridding the tank of this is to first skim off as much as you can. Then do a 50% water change. Several smaller water changes will not work. You will never get the bacteria down low enough to catch up.. I expect the tank is less that a yr old and I has not matured all the way yet.. After the water change cut lights back to 4hrs a day for 4-5days then start bringing the lights up 1hr a day till back to normal. Also cut back on feeding some. Another suggestion is make sure you have a deep sand bed of at least 3-4in. This will let enough good bacteria grow to help prevent this problem..If you just cannot wait You can use a product called chemi-clean by boyd enterproses, inc... you can do a search on the internet for thier phone # or where to purchase. After using wait 2days then do the water change...Their are no short cuts...good luck...
If your tank has 100gal and 50ppm nitrates, a 10gal water change has the following affect:


English might not be great ...These Numbers ect came from an article I read ....All I know Is it works...isn't that what really matters? Also decaying fishfood just might cause bacteria.