Can someone give me some info on a algae blenny?


I am thinking of getting one to clear up my green hair algae on the bottom of my tank. I need to know what one looks like and where I can find one.


you should look into why you got the algae in the first place. tap water, over feeding, etc.. can cause it. get rid of the source or you will have one stuffed blenny.
matt rogers
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


How can I tell if its my tap water, I add tap water and I dechlorinate it with stress coat after I add it. Do you think that could be the cause.
Also isn't a well fed blennie a good thing, and what do they look like, I do not know where to get or even see one.


Hey kyarnkid i had a algea eating blenny,
He did a good job keeping the algea down.
To describe what he looks like, he's a long
fish, with eyes that rotate independitly
of each other also he has what looks like
little plants over his eyelids, he can also change colors to match his enviroment.
sorry don't know where to get one.
I bought mine from my lfs.


Active Member
check your messenger, i sent you a pic and some info
did you check here for one??
if they don't have one, check your lfs for algae, sailfin, lawnmower of red lipped blennies, all are the same fish except for the red lip(which is very close)
edited: they do have lawnmowers and red lipped here
was at the lfs yesterday and they had them, they are pretty neat looking too. if you lived on LI NY i could tell you where to go.