Can someone help


I have a ten gallon tank and its been up for almost a year, but lately my mushrooms have been dying. I have all the right levels I have checked them then had them checked by a saltwater place that grows coral. My anenome and fish are doing ok, but its just been all my mushrooms they all keep dying. Do any of you know what I have done or can do to stop this.
I would think if it were a lighting problem, the anemone would be the first to go. They require intense lighting where my mushrooms actually prefer to be shaded a bit. I have no clue otherwise. Maybe they can get a type of fungus or something.


Active Member
what type of mushroom is it and does it require high or low lighting.what requirment for feeding does it require and are you meeting all of them.ok i have to giggle I know it was a serious input but fungus having a fungus (chuckle)your mushrooms may be getting too much light