Can someone please ID this Tang?


Active Member
i have that same thing its only about an inch and a half i also wanted too now wat it was because i got mine from crappy ***** it said assorted tang.


Got this one from ***** also. This one is very small would the color change that fast? The young ones are all yellow from what ive read.


Wow, that is odd. i have never seen a tank like that. But the first thing that comes to my mind is a Purple Tang/Kole Tang hybrid. but i doubt it.


Active Member
Actually, it is not an atlantic or caribbean blue tang. It is a striatus tang with the latin name Ctenochaetus_striatus. They have related to the kole tang.


Originally Posted by clown123
can someone show me a picture on wat they think it is thanks
We KNOW thats what it is. The pic is at the top of the thread.

nm reef

Active Member
I also believe its a Ctenochaetus striatus ... at least it looks like one to me.
"Ctenochaetus striatus (Quoy & Gaimard 1828) the Striped Bristletooth, is the one member of the genus found extending into the Red Sea (but also found in the Indo-Pacific to Oceania and the I.O.); it is the most frequently imported species in Europe. It's body color is overall drab olive sporting wavy blue lines. Small orange dots are sprinkled on the head. "


Active Member
i might have too agree wit devildog bc now mines startin too turn blue and the shape is a lil diffrent