Originally Posted by Thomas712
I don't see an anemone.
I do see a frogspawn and some xenia though. :thinking:
I was wondering about this. This is why I asked. My stored told me that was an anenome when I was first getting started and stocking my tank. I didn't know any better.
Now that Im more inclined to these things I've noticed the no anenomes that I see look like that.
So which is which? Can you tell me anything about them? Just generalities?
Also, with this , am I ok to add an anemone? Even though I may keep it as is.
Also my clowns love this thing, is it normal that they host like that with a "frogspawn"?
Also, with this , am I ok to add an anemone? Even though I may keep it as is.
Also my clowns love this thing, is it normal that they host like that with a "frogspawn"?
Oh yeah, lastly, do they sting?
Frogspawns do sting. You may be able to feed them meaty foods (chopped fish/shrimp, mysis, brine, etc). Depending on how much light is in your tank adjust their depth accordingly.
Clowns can/will host these. I love seeing huge frogspawns with clowns ducking inside them and completely disappearing a while ago my plan was to set up a small nano tank and have a huge frogspawn and two false percs.
Xenia is the whitish feathery one - frogspawn coal green stem pink tips. Yes clowns will host some corals in the absense of an anemone. Remember in the wild clowns must find and anemone or usually perish from predation. Pretty strong motivator to stay with a stinging critter of some type. Keep your corals alive for quite some time - then try the anemone.
Originally Posted by Thomas712
I don't see an anemone.
I do see a frogspawn and some xenia though. :thinking:
my thoughts exactly .looks like your clown liks it though